The beginning

 Eeny, mini and moo two brothers and one sister how well the names fit together. The wellness of characters does not apply to the bond between the brothers, although they seem to behave perfectly well when the sister is around to play. It was not always that the brothers had differences. When they were very new to this world, the brother seemed to perfectly enjoy each others company. No one is aware of what happened later on, or maybe no one paid much attention to the details of the bond between the brother.

They being triplets, were born on one fine summer morning in a small town known as Doke. The mother was fine as it was a completely natural birth without the interference of any gadgets. All three spend their early days just getting used to the world around them and mainly sleeping and feeding as a newborn organism is expected to behave. The family being poor, there was never sufficient food available. So it was a real struggle for the mother to provide the proper and correct amount of food for all three of them. Father was not around most of the time, and it was the mother making ends meet. Eeny being the wily one, always gets what he wants, eeny has a thing about him that makes him appealing if a person closely notices. I always wonder how would he look if he was taken care of preciously.


 Life is simple; two days are there, one is hot days, and two is cold. I prefer not to consider the days when there is too much water; I hate those days" eww water". My favourite parts are the sun during cold days and the wind during summer. When it comes to food, I prefer meat over bread, but unfortunately, meat days are rare and less meat when I am saying less, it means really really less plus my siblings try to snatch; usually, I am careful like I am the smart one, so yaa but still sometimes they are lucky. There is one more thing I am offered to eat they are slight brown different shapes, stone-like things. They smell like meat, but I am not sure. Anyways I got to do something so meet you all later. 


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